Sunday 3 February 2013


Assalamualaikum,hi everyone! Today our class in SL104.Today our lecture,Miss Zuraidah teach us about ''reference word''.What is ''reference word''??

*Reference words it ''refer to subject/nouns''


1.It-normal pronouns
4.Them-objective pronouns
5.Their-posssesive pronouns(computers')

Next,Miss Zue teach us about ''Contextual Reference''

We have 5 type of contextual adjective which is:

1.Pronouns & possesive adjective


1.Even though an optical fibre is as thin as hair,its signal carrying capacity is higher than copper wire.
2.Bill Gates knew that PCs would be big bussiness and he imagined Microsoft playing a center role in this industry.
''he'' refer to Bill Gates

2.Rewording(particular words).

*resentment-a feeling of bitterness & anger/hattered


 *words with the same or similar meanings.
Synonyms can be any part of speech (such as nounsverbsadjectivesadverbs or prepositions), 

  • Verb
    • "buy" and "purchase"
  • Adjective
    • "big" and "large"
  • Adverb
    • "quickly" and "speedily"
  • Preposition
    • "on" and "upon"


* Word that has the opposite meaning as another word.

  • Hot ---> cold
  • Near ---> Far
  • Small ---> Big

After Miss Zue give us information about contectual reference word,she divide us into 4 grouped,Each grouped will gets 16 card and we need to answering all the question about reference word in the sentences.Iela,Fathi,Tini and i are grouped 3.I think its the best/funny moment because my grouped only can answer 1/16 question.Hahaha...very funny.So after that ,Miss Zue divide us to 9 grouped(2 person per grouped) to present about grammar. Erna and 1 grouped number 4 and we need to present about adverb.

so i think that all for today..bye =)

Reference word



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