Thursday 14 February 2013


Hi guys,today our class in SL006.Today Iffah,Fatini,Erna and i  do a presentation about grammar.Iffah and Fatini will present about ''adjective'' and our grouped will present about ''Adverb''.so we will start with iffah's grouped.

*Describe the quality of peoples,things,place and so on.



*Adjectives describes or gives more information about noun/pronoun


#fresh fruit,stale fish,green vegetable.

*An adjective can point out things or people.


#Those groundnut are crunchy
#This cake is scrumptious

*Nouns can be used as adjectives,These nouns are in singular form.

#An orange cake
#A duck egg
#A garden party

*An adjectives can be formed using the ‘-ing’ from of a word(present participal)

#Appetising meal
#Cooking demonstration

*An adjectives can be formed using the ‘-ed’ from of the word                             (past participle)

#Fried fish
#Preserve fruit

*Nationalities can be used as nouns.


#English pancake
#French toast

*An adjective can be used to compare two people or things . Such comparative adjectives are usually formed by adding ‘-er
’ to the adjective .

#The knife is sharper than that one.

*Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more people or things . These adjective are usually formed by adding ‘-est’ to an adjective and using the article ‘the’ in front of it.

#Buy food from the cleanest stall
#Select the biggest apples

 *The comparative or superlatives adjective end in ‘-y’, change the ‘-y’ to ‘-i’ before adding ‘-er’ or ‘-est’.

#Adnan is hungriest  then Ali .
# This is the dirtiest food stall I’ve ever seen .

*Some comparative and superlative adjective are formed by using the base form of the adjective with the expressions ‘more...than’ or ‘the most ...’.

#1)        .....more nutritious than .....
2)        .....more nourishing than ....
3)        .....more intoxicating ....

The position of adjectives

*Before noun

> A delicious meal
> A cold drink
 > A tiring day
> Strenuous exercise

*After the verb to be


> He is thirsty
 > I am ravenous
 > The mangoes are ripe

*After in transitive verb (feel , taste, smell , appear, look , sound , seem)

> The cheese are smell awful
The fish looks fresh  
The jogger appears exhausted                               

Next we  continue with my grouped.Actually,i feel a litle bit weird because i afraid if my friends ask ''a weird question'' haha..but alhamdulillah,i think we do a great work today.So we need to explain about adverbs.

Definition:adverbs tell you how, where or when some thing is done. In other words, they describe the manner, place or time of an action.

*commonly adverb are formed from adjectives for example:

vSome words that end in -ly are not adverbs.
vSome adjectives end in -ly too.

For Example:-
     1.Sam was feeling very lonely.
     2.She was wearing a lovely dress.
     3.It was a very lively party
Kinds of adverb:

Adverb of place:
Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question where?.
They are called adverbs of place
1.I’ve lived here for about two years.
2.English and German are closely related.
                                 3.The boys are playing ups
                                       4.The dog is in the  garden.
 5.Were going to New York City on our school trip.
6..His children go everywhere with   him.

Adverb of manner:
Some adverbs and adverb phrases describe the way people do things.
                     1.The girls answered all the questions correctly.
                        2.He was driving carelessly.
The plane landed safely.

                     4. Ramu plays guitar skillfully.

Adverb of frequency:
Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “how often an action is done”
They are called adverbs of frequency

1.The children always go to school on the bus.
2.I’ll never make that mistake again .
 3.I clean my bedroom every day.
4.Dad polishes his shoes twice a week.

Adverb of time
It describes when an action is done

1.The train has already left.
2.We moved into our new house last week.
3.Our favorite T.V. program starts at 6o clock.
4.I’m going to my new school tomorrow.

Adverb of quantity or degree.

It  shows how much, or in what degree or to what extent.

1.He was too  careless.
2.The sea is very stormy.
3.I am rather  busy.
4.I am fully  prepared.
5.These mangos are almost  ripe.

Adverb of reason
The adverb which tells about a reason is called adverb of reason.
1.He is hence unable to refute the charge.
2.He therefore left school.

Adverb of affirmation and negotiation

Which says yes if it is yes and no if it is no

1. I don’t know.
2. Surely you are mistaken.
3. He certainly went.
Some examples of adverbs of different kinds:

1.Tortoise walks  slowly (Manner).
2.We will have our Semester exams on April 1st week(Time).
3.The accident happened near the Highway(Place).
4.At least  twice a week I used to go for Temple(Frequency).
5.We all go for a picnic just for enjoyment(Purpose).
6.The sea is very stormy(Degree /Quantity).
7.Surely you are mistaken(Affirmation/Negation).



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