Monday 18 March 2013



Hello guys,today our class in SL104,today we have presentation about drugs.

Title:The factors of overuse drugs.

*peer pressure
*family problems

Group member:


 Erk..i think,our group have big problem with the essay.Actually,i dont understand how to make the introduction,how to connect hook,transition and thesis statement and a lot of grammar that we have problem with the essay at first.

But,not only our group,another group also have same problem.Only Erna's group do the presentation very well.So congrats to Erna and the geng.So,Miss Zue ask group which not perform well to re-write the essay and present on Monday.That all for today..bye


The National Center for Health Statistics reports that in 2005 more than 22000 lives were lost due to overdoses and the number is growing rapidly.(the hook) Most of people do not know on how to consume medicine properly. They take medicine without any awareness of the bad consequences if they over consume them.(transition) Some ways to prevent from over taking drugs are to take medication as prescribed, make sure the medicines come from familiar source and do not mix different types of medicines. (thesis statement)

One of the ways to prevent drugs overdose is to take medicine as instructed on the label or as prescribed by your doctor. (topic sentence) As a person that is expert in medical fields, a doctor knows exactly the quantity that a person should takes for each type of medicines. If you consume medicines without following the instructions, you may have taken the medicines more than what you should have and that will give bad impacts to your body. Example, if your body could not endure the amount of the medicine that you consumed, it will make you sleepy, hallucinate or at worst, it can also lead to death. (supporting sentence)Thus, people should learn on how to take medication following the instruction that is given to avoid any undesirable event to happen.(conclude sentence)

Besides that, buying medicine from reliable source can help you to refrains from overdoses.(topic sentence) You have to make sure that you buy drugs from places that owned a medication selling license. When you buy drugs at the pharmacy that owned a license from Ministry of Health, we can be sure that the medicines they sell are safe to consume. Example, if you are sick and you don’t have any time to go to the hospital, you will mostly choose to buy medicines from pharmacy and if the medicines that they sell are not approved or illegal, it might not cure your sickness.(supporting sentence) Hence, people should identify which pharmacy sells medicine that is approved by the Ministry of Health. (conclude sentence)

 Last but not least, separate different types of medicines in a different places or container can help to avert from overdoses.(topic sentence) If you mix various kinds of medicines, you might consume the wrong one. You will be confused which is which. Example, you can also put a label on each medicines to make it easier to identify them. In addition, if you keep on mixing medicines and piling them together, you won’t be able to distinguish which medicines might have past the due date. In this case, taking medicines that have expired might give a bad effect to your body.(supporting sentence) Therefore, we should practice to keep our medicines properly to avert from over consuming them. (conclude sentence)

In a nutshell, drugs overdose can be avoided if we take precautions. Many lives can be safe if they know the correct ways to prevent them. Government should play an important role to give awareness to society about it.(suggestion) Like a saying goes “prevention is better than cure”.(quotes) If we ignore and keep on doing the same things we might lose someone that we love or we could lose ourselves too.


Negative effects of drug overuse
        A drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance enhancing.In medication,drugs contain in small amount and not harmful.[the hook].However,some people have wrong used drugs with take it in overdose amount. This make drugs jeoperdize and give bad effect if use it . [transition]Thus,overuse of drugs may give negative effects to ourselves,family and people around us.[thesis statement]

    First, drug overuse can give negative effect to ourselves. [topic sentence] Individuals who have overdosed on a drug may have problems formulating thoughts, communicating their wants or needs, and have significant mood. For instance, they are often confused, with garbled speech, memory problems and disorientation.[supporting sentence] Thus, overuse of drugs may lead negative effect towards ourselves. [concluding]
  Next,drug abuse can give bad effect to one’s family in many ways.[topic sentence]One of them is conflict over money problem.The problem comes in when you are struggling economically because of the addiction.You may lose your job,thus lose your income which affect your family financially.This also will lead to other problem such as conflict with the family member or your partner due to the stress or incapable to satisfy your addiction.A drug abuser will do anything to satisfy their addiction even sacrifice their loved ones simply because they do not even realize their action. .[supporting sentence]  Hence,family are the one who suffer when they have drug addict in their family. [concluding]
Last but not least,overuse of drugs may affect people around us[topic sentence].This is because junkie can become extremely aggressive and turned their behaviour really wild.They could harm people because overuse of drugs can make them hallucinate.  For example, if a person takes drug before he drives , this situation can cause an accident and it can  involve people around us . Other than that,the rising crime rate disquiet the society and they will always fell insecure whenever the junkies are around them.[supporting sentence]As a result,society will be affected due to overuse of drugs.[concluding]
  As a conclusion,we can say that using drugs will give negative effects to ourselves,family and people around us . To avoid us from taking drugs we need to remember drugs can destroy our life . Distance yourself from drugs abuser and place where drugs are overuse. Parents should be a  good role model to their children.A drug free living is the better way to enjoying your life.So,better say “No to Drugs” .


The factors of overuse drugs.
A drug is a substance which is harmful to human’s life if it is overuse. It contains soduim polyhydroxy aluminium , monocarbonate hexitol,magnesium hydroxide powder and simethicone that can affect our body if we take it overdose .(hook) Nowadays,the number of people who take drugs is increasing rapidly. (transition) Hence,these are the factors that attract people to take drugs such as curiosity,peer pressure and family problems (thesis)

One of the reasons why people take drugs is because of curiosity.(topic sentences) Many people especially teens have heard about drugs and they are curious to experience them for themselves.They have heard that drugs can be fun and acts differently. For example,we see people take drugs on television and movies everyday.Many young people encounter them at school,at home or in their neighbourhood.It is not unusual to be curious about something you see and hear about so often.(supporting sentences) As a result,many people try drugs because they are curious about them.(concluding sentences)

Another significant reason of someone takes drug is due to peer pressure particulary from the social influences among friends and comunity.(topic sentences) In addition,the person might get convinced to think that there is nothing wrong with trying drugs because ‘’everybody else doing it’’ . For example, many of them do it to impress their friends and to gain more attensions.(supporting sentences). Thus,friends influence may be the reason why someone takes drugs. (concluding sentences)

Next, family problem is one of the reasons why people take drugs.(topic sentences) There are many causes why family problem can affect to their children to take drugs such as divorce,parents so workerholic,lack of attention from theor parents.It makes their children under pressure so that to release their stress they take drugs.(supporting sentences) Hence,the reason why children take drugs is due to family problems.(concluding sentences)

In a nutshell, curiosity,peer pressure and family problems are causes that some people have to deal with adolescent lives.(thesis statement) As to avoid this situation continuosly happens,everyone must take an action and avoid from involve in drug abuse so that it can be reduce in our country. (suggestion) Parent should take this matter seriously for their children so that it can avoid them from taking drug like a saying goes ‘’prevention is better than cure’’ (quotations)



According to New Straits Times , 10 000 teens have died this year in this country due to drug abuse and addiction. Teenagers often experiment with a variety of activities and this experimentation leads them to substance addiction (HOOK) .   In addition to cocaine , Ecstacy and other club drugs , a recent Monitoring the Future Study showed that the top six most abused drugs by teens are marijuana (31.5%) , Vicodin (9.7%), amphetamines (8.1%) , cough medicine (6.9%) , sedatives and tranquilizers (6.6% each) (THE TRANSITION) . Without any treatment , the effect of drug addiction on teens can lead to serious consequences such as emotional problems , physical abuse and also brain damages (THESIS STATEMENT) .

Firstly , drug addiction can affect or mask emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia.(topic sentence) In fact , among teens with major depression , 34.6 percent report using drugs. Unfortunately , drug use can also increase the severity of these emotional problems. For example , teens who use marijuana weekly double their risk of depression and anxiety.(supporting statement) Thus , emotional problem in teenagers will lead to many unexpected events because of drug addiction  .(conclusion statement)

Besides that , teenagers who abuse drugs are more likely to be involved in physical abuse - related injuries or death.(topic sentence) One study showed that 4 to 14 percent of teenagers who uses excessive drugs committed suicide. Some of them died in traffic accidents. When tested , they are positive for THC . When they are under drugs, they become dillusional in seeing things that sometimes do not even exist and they become uncontrollable .  Some of the physical abuse that usually happen to these teenagers are jumping of a building , driving dangerously on roads and also injuring themselves with sharp tools.  (supporting statements) Hence , teenagers should be aware of the negative impact of excessive drugs  and also note to self that excessive drugs will kill one’s life which lead to physical abuse.(conclusion statement)

Another negative effect of drug addiction among teenagers is brain damage .(topic sentence) Drug abuse among teens can result in serious mental disorders or permanent damage to the brain or nervous system. For example , brain damage among teens who abused drugs includes brain shrinkage , amnesia and memory problems . (supporting statement) As a result , drugs will also affect their learning process, the way they think and damage their brain . (conclusion statements)

To conclude , drug addiction gives a lot of negative consequences for teenagers in all aspect. To avoid this situation from continuing , parents should always be aware of their children’s social life and give full attention to their children at all time (recommendation statement) . This will help to decrease the rate of drug addiction among teenagers in this country

(only me,Nabila,Fathi and Faris)

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